Gorman Hall Reviews
University of Massachusetts Amherst Central Area
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 3 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 month ago
This dorm is disgusting. The bathroom has mold, cockroaches, spiders and a number of other disgusting problems. Extremely anti social dorm for non-international freshman, and there is an ongoing problem of body odor reeking throughout this dorm. Only close to Franklin Dining hall which gets boring after months of repetitive food at the worst dining hall on campus. Fairly close to classes but nothing spectacular about the location compared to Southwest or Northeast. The few kids I did interact with in this dorm switched out after one semester.
3 months ago
Gorman hall is a great option for freshman! It is super close to Franklin Dining, the frats, and downtown Amherst. It is also only 12-15 mins away from the library. The building itself is pretty new, the washer and dryer is horrific though, but the bathrooms are big and have great water pressure. To be honest, because it is an engineering RAP there are not that many girls, so the girls bathroom is always pretty chill. Room size is 50/50, me and my roommate got a pretty small room and our friends got rooms that were probably almost double the size, but it okay. Pretty solid, bottom of the hill, could not ask for more!
1 year ago
Pros: Lower Central and super close to Frank, also the closest dorm to downtown Amherst (only 10-15 minute walk). Relatively new building so rooms and everything are pretty clean.
Cons: Only one kitchen on the 1st floor and it's pretty small. Laundry in the basement and no elevator so if you're on the 4th floor its a lot of stairs. Shower stalls only have one door, it's not separated into 2 sections so everything gets wet.
Verified Student