UMass Amherst Housing Forum

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Best freshmen dorms at UMass Amherst?


Verified Student

Northeast, Northeast, Northeast! The most popular dorms on campus are the Northeast dorms due to their convenient location from classes and the dining halls. Most of the buildings in Northeast are for first-year students only, so I would take advantage of that to secure at least 1 year at Northeast to experience it. The vibes are chill and the people are typically interesting.

University of Massachusetts Amherst Housing

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is a public research university in Amherst, Massachusetts.

UMass Amherst offers a variety of housing options, with fifty-two residence halls and apartment buildings grouped into seven residential areas. Each area has unique features, including location, architecture, and cultural or academic living/learning programs. Each residential area also has its own facilities, including classrooms, recreational and social centers, and dining facilities. There are options for single-sex and coed residences, as well as communities for students who share common interests, social identities, lifestyle preferences, or cultural bonds. UMass Amherst offers extensive residential choices, including Special Housing Options and Living and Learning Communities.