Elm Hall Reviews

UMass Amherst CHCRC

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 2 Student Reviews

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Lived in a suite with two doubles. The biggest downside is that with the suites no one really leaves their dorms since they have a common room and bathroom right there. All year I probably saw other people on my floor less than 10 times. Other than that I loved it. It’s deceptively central on campus. Most of classes were up by northeast (STEM major) and the walk was shorter than when I lived in central. Biggest downside is no close dining hall.

4 years ago

Pros: elm is the closest to most academic buildings of all the honors dorms (the entrance is at the top of the hill). Unlike maple, birch, and linden which are all U-shaped with the entrance at one end, the entrance is very central. The building and the rooms are all really new and still pretty clean. The elm classrooms are attached and easy to get to if you want to study near your room.
Cons: elm is probably the least social of all the upperclassmen honors dorms (they’re all much less social than the freshman dorms because everyone lives in suites/apartments).

Lived in a double