Cashin Hall Reviews
University of Massachusetts Amherst Sylvan Area
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 3 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
- Bathroom is super close proximity
- If you live with friends can be fun
- Kinda grows on you
- Rooms a little small
- If you get into a random suite its hit or miss
- Negative windows
- One suitemate loses a key and then when you need to get into your room 3 am and you have to knock for 20 minuted=s for someone to to open
- Kinda bad spot but i dont mind walking
Verified Student
1 year ago
Pros: You only share the bathroom with 8 people.
Cons: Smaller room than usual, the walls are kinda thin (easy to hear), location is a little far from everything from campus, not a lot of social activities
Verified Student
1 year ago
Cashin Hall is located in Sylvan, which is slightly further up the hill of Northeast. The closest dining hall is Worchester and it is about a 8 minute walk away. The dorm itself is pretty old, but most people still choose it for break housing. The bathrooms are in the suite and shared by 8 people and rooms are small, but good enough tbh and there is a common room for the suite.
Verified Student