New Hall West Reviews
Virginia Tech
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 7 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
2 years ago
Nicer than most dorms, but you don’t really have control of A/C so always hot even in the winter. Annoying to pay extra for a dorm with Ac if you can’t adjust it.
2 years ago
3 people per room but it is very spacious. There is also a bathroom inside each room. The building is far from the academic side of campus but is the closest dorm to the gym.
Verified Student
4 years ago
Nice room, nice bathroom, top floor is best floor because of the high ceiling. Not terribly far from important places on campus but far from somethings. Close to the gym and dining halls.
4 years ago
This is by far the best dorm on campus. The rooms are spacious, you have air conditioning, and each room as it's own bathroom. The only real downsides are that you are kinda far from most everything except one dining hall and it is not a very social dorm. For anyone staying on campus your second or higher year, I would recommend this, but not for freshman, since you won't have many chances to meet anyone in the dorm unless you go out of your way to.
4 years ago
Very nice building and rooms but pretty far from most of campus besides West End and McComas.
Also not very social due to private baths and AC. Everyone is in their rooms with doors closed for the most part
4 years ago
Top floor has (mostly) really tall ceilings. Kitchen is only on 3rd floor, floors 2 and 4 only have lounges. Far from basically everything on campus - West End is closest dining hall and can get pricey. Far walk to downtown Blacksburg. Great dorm, but location is something to keep in mind.
4 years ago
The ceilings are very tall on the top floor, and the rooms are massive compared to everything else on campus. The halls themselves are somewhat asocial and the layout lets people keep to themselves.