Lawrence Tower Reviews
Ohio State University
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 2 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
2 years ago
- Nice rooms.
- Personal bathrooms.
- Very far away from everything else on campus.
- Few building amenities or comfortable study spaces.
2 years ago
This is a predominantly freshman dorm. The rooms are really nice with controlled AC, your own personal bathroom with a tub, and hardwood floors. These rooms are probably the best that you can get on campus for freshmen, However, the location is what really brings it down. There aren't many amenities or dorm life since it's an old hotel. It's also far from Central campus compared to the rest of the dorms, sometimes making it feel isolated. You can either have a super double or triple either which way they're super spacious. If you get place here, don't worry about it, you'll be just fine :)
Verified Student