Hendrix College Reviews

Stony Brook University

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Roth quad is the nicest and closest dorm to the academic buildings for lower-classman. Most of the buildings in the quad have A/C. Hendrix is the closest to Javits (literally can roll out of bed 10 mins. before class). The building layout is more open than other buildings (like Gershwin and Whitman). The common lounge is nice when you want to watch movies with your friends. I also think Hendrix is the only building in the quad that has a functioning elevator for daily use.

Only con is the mold problem on the carpets. Chose the second floor if you don't want bugs during the beginning of the fall semester.

Lived in a double