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Stony Brook University Sophomore Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Stony Brook University, according to students.

  • Number 5

    Lauterbur Hall

    based on 1 review

    Lauterbur Hall at Stony Brook

    "Lauterbur is pretty great to live in. Rooms are usually suites of 6 people where there's 3 doubles. The sinks are in the hallway but its pretty annoying that the toilet and shower are in separate rooms. The rooms are dorm sized as usual but there's pretty good natural light that comes into the room. The location is great because West Side Dining is right in front of you and the SAC/center of campus is not far from there either. The bus stop is also right in front of the building. Overall great place to live." - 2 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Lauterbur Hall during their sophomore year

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  • Number 4

    Hendrix College

    based on 1 review

    "Roth quad is the nicest and closest dorm to the academic buildings for lower-classman. Most of the buildings in the quad have A/C. Hendrix is the closest to Javits (literally can roll out of bed 10 mins. before class). The building layout is more open than other buildings (like Gershwin and Whitman). The common lounge is nice when you want to watch movies with your friends. I also think Hendrix is the only building in the quad that has a functioning elevator for daily use.

    Only con is the mold problem on the carpets. Chose the second floor if you don't want bugs during the beginning of the fall semester." - 4 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Hendrix College during their sophomore year

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  • Number 3

    Hand College

    based on 2 reviews

    Hand College at Stony Brook

    "Pros: Having a kitchen is nice so you won't have to get a meal plan if you can cook. Close to Tabler Center to study and grab some drinks or snacks. Have a big lawn that is beautiful and pleasant. Good natural light depending on the time of day.
    Cons: Far from campus and your classes. Small room compared to the freshman dorms.
    Sophomore standing to dorm here.
    " - 1 year ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Hand College during their sophomore year

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  • Number 2

    Greeley Hall

    based on 1 review

    "Lived in Greeley twice- first in a triple as a freshman and then got moved into a double. Overall this dorm is terrible and in great need of an upgrade. Not only is the outside depressing (all of roosevelt quad is) but the inside continuously has a funky heavy smell. Expect the typical annoying-ness of communal bathrooms with terrible water pressure and no privacy. With the amount your paying for room and board living in Greeley is genuinely the worst SBU scam. " - 1 year ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Greeley Hall during their sophomore year

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  • Number 1


    based on 2 reviews

    "Building was old, lounge was outdated, filthy, and gross. The building literally looks like it was modelled after a prison. Rooms are old, dusty, and bland. The carpet in dorm room is old and gross. Spilled some water on the lounge, and when I tried to dry it off with a paper towel, it was brown. Greeley is the furthest building from main campus (for Freshman students) but it was close to WSD which was nice. The community was very quiet and boring, people preferred to stay to themselves so it was very dry but there would be some active friend groups." - 1 year ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Greeley during their sophomore year

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At RateMyDorm, we've collected 33 student reviews for Stony Brook University dorms.