Greeley Reviews
Stony Brook University
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 2 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Building was old, lounge was outdated, filthy, and gross. The building literally looks like it was modelled after a prison. Rooms are old, dusty, and bland. The carpet in dorm room is old and gross. Spilled some water on the lounge, and when I tried to dry it off with a paper towel, it was brown. Greeley is the furthest building from main campus (for Freshman students) but it was close to WSD which was nice. The community was very quiet and boring, people preferred to stay to themselves so it was very dry but there would be some active friend groups.
3 years ago
Kitchen was removed due to COVID. I assume it will return after COVID. Air Conditioning system in this building is old but works mojarity of the time. Occasionally they is a hiccup but it is nothing the repair people can't fix. Bugs are mainly limited to ground floor but I assume every ground floor has that problem. The dorm in general has in my experience very light night life but at least for me, that is plus because you can sleep in peace at night.