Baits II Reviews
University of Michigan
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
2 years ago
Living there was pretty cool. I lived in a suite my first year with 4 other people. The buildings were pretty nice, but the housing facility ended up being the outdoor mall equivalent for dorms. I’d have to walk outside of my building if I needed to go to the community center for mail, and the movie theater (btw there’s a movie theater and they host football watch events regularly) was in another, separate building. It was an annoying walk during the winter despite the really short distance. Plus, this housing area didn’t have a dining hall. The only dining hall on North Campus is less than a 2-4 minute walk depending on how fast you move, but, once again, the distance was really annoying over the winter. Fortunately, Baits II has a bus sto...
Verified Student