Bursley Hall Reviews

University of Michigan

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Sophomore Year


Junior Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 7 Student Reviews

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

8 months ago

Bursley may have a notoriously negative perception relative to the other dorms, however, if you end up in Bursley don't be too bummed cuz there are actually many perks!

-On North Campus which is ideal for students with a lot of classes in the SMTD, STAMPS, CS/Engineering buildings
-Right next to the NCRB which is a newer recreational facility
-It's quieter and typically has less construction going on relative to Central Campus
-You'll get to catch wild animals like deer and raccoons in nature
-Routes/trails for running
-You'll likely get to bond with roommates and hallmates - take advantage of communal spaces to make friends (like basement area is a good place to watch movies), can also consider joining the living communities

Verified Student

Lived in a double

10 months ago

I wrote a review for Bursley already, but then I spent another year there. The single rooms are technically smaller I think, but if you move stuff around a bit you can make it look a lot bigger than it is. Having the dining hall in the building is really convenient. Fires are still a hazard, but if you’re Christian and end up staying here, prayer works (the fire alarm only went off once last year). If you’re a party person you’ll be a least a bus ride away from all that stuff so keep that in mind. I like the quietness of north campus, but despite being an upperclassman in CS I still had plenty of reasons to go to central (especially for church stuff) which can be pretty annoying. Shops are all on one road that’s technically “off campus” if ...

Verified Student

1 year ago

Lived on the top floor so the ceilings were fairly high. Windows didn’t open more than 6 inches without special tools and the heat was on constantly. The community was actually pretty good and having a dining Hall was a big plus. The location is really the only downside for those who take classes on central.

Lived in a double

1 year ago

Pros: OK Dining Hall, fantastic community, decent lounge spaces, clean bathrooms, quiet at night, you can say you survived Burs
Cons: No AC (September and April suck), really ugly blue doors (giving prison), small rooms with questionable furniture, 30+ minutes of commute every single day unless all of your classes are on north, lack of external food or entertainment options unless you take a bus, literally 0 social scene

Overall if you’re an introvert who likes North campus or has lots of classes there it’s a fine dorm, but if you want any kind of social life on campus Bursley will be the second biggest possible hinderance besides Baits, but at least Baits is a nicer dorm. IMO the worst dorm on campus, it’s like Markley but on North. And y...

Verified Student

Lived in a double

1 year ago

Disclaimer: I was a sophomore in CS during my time in Bursley
Pros: Dining hall is in the dorm, which was a big plus for me coming from Baits. It's also nice that everything is in the one building. It's pretty close to all the CoE buildings (e.g. "the grove", etc.) (5+ min walk cuz walking around buildings takes a bit) and it's a lot better than having to get on the bus to central all the time. There's a bus stop right near the dorm, and that bus route stops at the grove and the main central bus stop (cctc), which is really convenient. North campus is really quiet compared to central, which I like personally.
Cons: for 1st year engineering majors + most LSA majors, most if not all classes are on central, so it gets annoying really fast gett...

Verified Student

Lived in a double

1 year ago

Bursley is a bit run down, and often has maintenance issues. However, since freshman are often placed here, it's a great place to meet your peers. While the bathrooms are often neglected by staff (missing paper towels, soap), you can generally get help and the staff are responsive when things are brought up. The dorm is somewhat isolated as it is on North, so you miss out on a lot of great things on Central Campus due to commute, but the calm environment makes it easier to transition to college for first year students. The rooms are manageable, and with the right roommate, it can be a good living experience. The bathrooms have showers that aren't too great. The convenience of the dining hall being attached to the dorm is great for harsh wea...

Lived in a double

4 years ago

Pros: you will meet plenty of people and bond over how awful it is to get to your 8 AM classes on central campus, there are some nice lounge areas, and the dining hall is in the building.
Cons: no AC (only an issue for the first few weeks after move-in), dining hall is mediocre (but the cookies at lunchtime make it worth it), and getting to football/basketball games takes over an hour.

Lived in a double