University Park Apartments Reviews
University of Cincinnati
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
4 years ago
A typical college-style modern apartment. Everything present but of mediocre quality—from carpets, to sofas to beds to kitchen. Many awful smells in the lobby, usually of weed or food. Friday nights, people may get drunk or intoxicated very much and get violent—visibly clear when they break the communal lights and lamps, and scratch off or draw on walls. Or atleast that happened during my year.
There are RAs. Most of them only exist when they have to do necessary room inspection or solve filed disputes.
Communal washers and dryers. Private bathrooms—one shared by two roommates. Not many chances to make friends. Overall, 3.5/5.