Morgens Hall Reviews
University of Cincinnati
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
4 years ago
I lived in a studio apartment in Morgens for four semesters. It wasn't anything special, but that being said, I only moved so I would be closer to my classes (I'm in CECH and Teachers-Dyer is on the opposite side of campus) and so I could have a washing machine in my apartment (in USquare) instead of having to use a communal laundry room.
I also lived in the same room layout in Scioto in summer 2020 and there was virtually no difference, so I would recommend reading the reviews for both buildings even if only one of them is an option to you.
- Floor-to-ceiling windows for some of the best natural lighting in any place I've ever lived, not just dorms. I lived on the 10th floor, so even though my room faced east (off campus), I rarely...