Baker Hall S Reviews

Princeton University Whitman College

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

1 year ago

One of the bigger quads you can get in Whitman. Like most Whitman dorms, it is clean, has AC, good lighting, and never had any issues with bugs. Very close proximity to the laundry room, water fountain, and bathrooms. My roommates and I were able to fit a futon in the room, an ottoman, a TV, and 3 scooters.
-One bedroom is significantly larger than the other.
-The smaller bedroom borders a small study space in the halls where some people might study late at night. Was never a big issue, but a couple times someone was drawing on the blackboard at night which was really annoying

Verified Student

Lived in a quad