Princeton Housing Forum

Princeton University

Best freshmen dorms at Princeton?


Verified Student

There really isn't one. Every residential college has its own flaws, but finding the best dorm within each residential college is probably your best bet (however, freshmen have no option to choose their dorm).

Princeton University Housing

Princeton University is a private Ivy League research university in Princeton, New Jersey.

Princeton University dorms come in many different styles including traditional-style dorms to more modern suite-style dorms. Most commonly, first-year students fill out a housing form selecting their preferences and are sorted into one of Princeton’s 7 residential colleges: Rockefeller (Rocky), Mathey, Forbes, Butler, New College West (NCW), Yeh, and Whitman. Each residential college contains several dorm halls that can have singles, doubles, quads, suite-style double, or qingles (4 singles in a quad). Princeton students are guaranteed housing for all 4 years, but for the first two years, students must remain in their respective residential colleges. Upperclassmen are then given the option to continue living in their residential college, draw into a different residential college, or move off-campus.