Edwards Hall Reviews
Northeastern University
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Alright. So I'm a second year who got stuck with a bad housing number and got shoved into this building that Northeastern bought from Wentworth. I heard somewhere that this building was supposed to be demolished 3 years ago, and I believe it. This building is SO OLD and there are probably 100 layers of paint on everything. First of all, no ac, which would normally be alright but when I moved in, Boston was having an insane heatwave and even with three fans I brought, the room was 90 degrees or higher. miserable. This isn't something I care about too much, but the "lounge" that is in the basement is insane. It looks like its from a horror movie and currently there is a disassembled fridge with rotting oranges in it so thats interesting! Don'...