Merit Residence Hall Reviews

University of Wisconsin–Madison

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Merit has single rooms (small, no private bathroom) & double rooms (spacious, private bathroom), It has about 60 residents total. I lived in a double my sophomore year (2019-20), so my review will be based on this.

It's quite close to a lot of classes (<10min walk) and a bus stop (<1min walk). The dining hall is 2min away by walk. The closest gym is in Ogg (<1 min) away. Having lived in lakeshore prior, I was blown away at how convenient living in south-east was. I use the buses a lot, but not depending on a bus to get somewhere was wonderful. The location is great, and knowing that you could get anywhere (gym, the terrace, UHS, Walgreens, Fresh, dining hall, memorial union, union south, etc) quickly was crazy.

I chose Merit primarily bec...

Lived in a double