Bouquet Gardens Reviews
University of Pittsburgh
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
3 years ago
It's the most sought-after dorm on campus for a reason. Having your own bedroom, bathrooms, and kitchen is pretty awesome. I think living here provides a good transition between living in a traditional dorm and moving off campus to an apartment. I wasn't in the new building (J), but everything was still nice and maintenance issues were pretty rare and quickly fixed by Panther Central. Sometimes laundry was an issue as there were only 2 washers and 2 dryers for our entire building. Probably the biggest downside for me was being on the ground floor - all windows in our apartment looked right out onto the walking paths and if the blinds were open anyone walking by would be able to see right into my bedroom, so go for an upper floor if you can.