Tower B Reviews
University of Pittsburgh
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 7 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
4 years ago
Living in Tower B for my freshman year was honestly such a unique experience and I am glad that I lived there for my first year in college. I liked living on Floor 19 because there were less people that would be passing through the floor and the view was really nice!! Towers are circular buildings so it feels like you are constantly connected to other people because there isn't a room at the end of the hall - you're walking in a circle to get to your room, the bathroom, elevator, etc. Every 3 floors is a lounge with couches, TV, a couple tables - people study there, watch movies, etc. There are 3 elevators - 2 of which only stop at the lounge floors and the middle one, which can go to all 22 floors. For move in, this can be annoying if you ...
4 years ago
Towers is a great place for freshman. The rooms aren't great, but I met a lot of people there.
4 years ago
Towers is like an experience you’re glad you had, but probably wouldn’t want again. Tower b wasn’t on my preference list at all for housing, but is what i got, and I was honestly surprised. The rooms are kinda small, but really not that bad. Also I expected much worse from the communal bathrooms, but those weren’t bad at all. I never had problems not getting a shower or stall. My floor’s bathroom was kinda dirty tho and didn’t get cleaned as much as it should’ve. A big perk of towers is the location, and also having the dining hall in the building. That was super nice. Overall, I enjoyed my tower b experince, but I probably wouldn’t want to live there again.
4 years ago
Best location on campus. if you want nordenburg and didnt get it, this should be your second choice. Pretty quintessential dorm experience and you dont need to leave the building to go to the dining hall. no frills, but you cant go wrong.
4 years ago
The biggest complaint people make about tower b is the size of the rooms. My roommate and I drew a blueprint for how we would lay out the room and we utilized the space very well. It felt spacious and open, and our room was mostly where our friend group gathered. Sit down, try to plan, think outside the box for where to place desks/dressers.
The bathrooms felt more private than they initially seemed. There’s enough showers/stalls to accommodate the entire floor. Not everyone needs a bathroom at the same times you do. Every floor is cleaned often. Investing in a few pairs of shower shoes isn’t a bad idea though.
The thing I loved most about tower b was the communal feel. The scariest part of going to college is being thrown into a new en...
4 years ago
Some adjectives to describe Tower B:
- Totally adequate
- Community centered
- Rowdy
When I was an incoming Freshmen to Pitt, I was somewhat intimidated to live in Tower B. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life, at least in terms of the people I met.
If you’re looking for more amenities than this building offers, then I think you’re looking for too much. It’s got on-site dining, laundry, totally adequate bathrooms on each floor, and the rooms are perfectly spacious as doubles.
All in all, consider this the quintessential Pitt freshmen dorm experience.
4 years ago
Tower B is great for many reasons, including location on campus, diversity of peers on each floor and in the building in general, and overall community, among other things. Being realistic, though, the rooms are small, the communal bathrooms can be a pain, and the elevators can be such a pain during peak hours. I will recommend it over a few locations on campus, like the quad and Forbes if you're an engineer, but there are definitely other places that I would have preferred.