Evans Hall Reviews
University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign Urbana North
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 2 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Nice rooms, smaller than average but carpeted & felt warmer/cozier than the basic Ike dorms. Very nice window + I had a street side dorm so my view was sweet. Communal bathrooms weren't great although they were wayyy better/cleaner than the communal bathrooms at Ike, mostly bc people don't blackout every night at Evans. Pretty quiet, also not very social. Closer to the main quad than most first year dorms (might be the closest between Ike, PAR/FAR, Lincoln/Allen and ISR), but pretty far from bars & frats. Definitely get something to put water in as the nearest water fountain is in the basement. Also the AC units are mad old and filled with dust; gave me throat issues in the fall. Solid dorm overall.
2 years ago
Not great but not horrible. Rooms are small, old ass building (built in 1925), and gross communal bathrooms. Only a block from the main quad which is nice. Very unsocial, I don't know a soul on my floor.