Reed Hall Reviews
University of Colorado Boulder
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
4 years ago
Location - close to C4C/ engineering side of campus (just walk through hallett)
Front Desk - no front desk which is great if you like to party late and not have to walk by the RAs, sucks if you get locked out though since you have to go to Willard to get a temp
Amenities - kitchen/bathroom are small but still really nice to have, especially the bathroom, not having to share a communal is a dream!
Size - one of the smaller dorms on campus (3 floors), so depending on what type of person could be a pro or con
Age - Reed is an older dorm that hasn't been remodeled in a while, so no AC and the rooms are not the cleanest. Also had kind of a lounge, but it's in the basement and out of the way if you aren't in the basement
Price: n...