Browse 54 OSU Dorm Reviews

OSU Dorms Ranked

Here are the highest rated Ohio State University dorms. This ranking was put together based off of what students rated OSU dorms on the RateMyDorm OSU Page.

    Rated 3.8 / 5 stars by 1 OSU student

    "I lived in a quad so it wasn’t that spacious but it wasn’t bad either. It was a really convenient location for me with Haight st being super close and all my classes being walking distance and Scott’s was two seconds away so I liked it tbh. If you’re an arts and science major then I definitely recommend. "

    Rated 3.8 / 5 stars by 1 OSU student

    "Cheap dorm with some decent sized rooms and some huge rooms (corner rooms). Cleanliness depends on the particular staff and your neighbors. Room furniture isn't the nicest or newest but is adequate. Buildings feature a pool table and table tennis, two kitchens per building, and a TV area. Lots of space to study around the building."

    Rated 4 / 5 stars by 2 OSU students

    "I was in a double on the top floor. The rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows. Being on the top floor our ceiling and windows were taller than the other floors. Bathrooms could get trashed if maintenance didn't stop by for a week or so. The rooms were pleasant to live in but smaller than the older dorms. As a location, Bowen is the furthest northeast dorm, and you should add some time to your commute according. One of my favorite and least favorite parts was having windows facing High Street. It was always entertaining to look down and have something interesting to watch. However, it could get loud a night from cars revving their engine down High Street or Emergency Vehicles. "

    Rated 4 / 5 stars by 1 OSU student

    "Freshman Honors dorm, great location and attached to kcomm. It’s connected to Paterson and BradPat feels like one big dorm. It’s nicer than Mack/Canfield but not as good as siebert, morrison, etc. Bathrooms are communal but were recently renovated so they’re alright."

    Rated 4 / 5 stars by 1 OSU student

    "Torres is one of the newer dorms and located on lane. It’s a little out of the way of bars but Threes is right there and a bus stop is right outside. Right next to north rec too. A little far from classes even for engineering. The laundry room is nice and the bathrooms are new and cleaned everyday except weekends. The suites are really nice, I didn’t have one tho."

    Jones Tower Ohio State University

    Rated 4.1 / 5 stars by 5 OSU students

    "I felt very good location. Next to it is a gym and canteen. Very, very convenient. I enjoyed this dormitory very much. Very recommended."

    Rated 4.2 / 5 stars by 3 OSU students

    "Park strad is pretty damn good, was in a double and me and my roomy were both CSE. Lots of sunlight facing the strad green side and close to union,12th ave nice bread, and most importantly Neil. Had lots of great social memories here just talking with floor mates on late school nights. A very nice modern dorm you’ll have a good experience here!"

    Rated 4.3 / 5 stars by 2 OSU students

    "Only annoying part is the bathrooms, make it annoying af to shower each morning when there is no where good to place clothes without hangers. "

    Rated 4.5 / 5 stars by 1 OSU student

    "I roomed in raney my freshman year and it was really nice. The bathrooms weren’t what I was expecting(they were better) and the room itself was nice. The building was pretty modern too. My favorite part was the distance from high street and places like Scott and nrec. I had a pretty quiet floor so if you are looking to be more social raney probably isn’t the best fit. The normal 2 person rooms themselves are a tad bit small but they are nice nonetheless. "

    Rated 4.6 / 5 stars by 2 OSU students

    "Loved Houston. The building was great, the location was great, the rooms were great... I could go on forever! One thing I really loved was having the kitchen/building lounge on the second floor- if you’re studying there you won’t get distracted by people walking in and out of the building, and it’s just a lot more private overall."

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 54 student reviews from Ohio State University.