Is AMR I the best dorm at JHU?

Students rated AMR I a 3.4/5 stars. Here's what they had to say.

AMR I is pretty underrated, it’s pretty much AMR 2 but less janky and a bit less social (so I guess between the 2 it depends on if you want to prioritize living style or social life).

AMR I was overall a decent introduction to college. It was a good balance of social/quiet, and you definitely meet a lot of people in your first two semesters. The bathroom can be untidy at times (usually weekends when they aren’t cleaned as often). In terms of space, singles have a lot more room versus doubles, where it can be quite squished if you and your roommate have lots of stuff.

Structure wise same as AMR II. Pretty decent rooms with common bathrooms. They say it's not as social as other dorms but my in experience I met great people there and it's not a bad choice

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