Morgan House Reviews

Vanderbilt University Highland

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Junior Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 2 Student Reviews

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

1 year ago

Morgan triple:
- PRO: super nice to have a bathroom with house keeping
- PRO: very convienent to have a munchie mart with groceries, rice, eggs, yougurt, fruit, etc.
- PRO: decent for college cooking - game changer to have a kitchen if you are someone who even slightly cooks
- PRO: across the street from the rec of you're into that

- CONS: elevators are always broken
- CONS: wouldn't say the entire building is necessarily clean, but I also haven't seen roaches like I did on Commons
- CONS: location - pretty far from everything, but not as bad as a walk as you might think

Verified Student

Lived in a triple

1 year ago

I lived in a 3-person Morgan apartment and shared the double room with a roommate.

- Next to the Rec and Blair if you're someone that goes there a lot
- Has a Munchie Mart on the first floor if you need some quick food
- Apartment-style housing is nice in my opinion. You get your own bathroom (huge), a spacious living room, your own kitchen (huge, even if you're not a frequent cook), a storage closet (you can use this for suitcases, cleaning supplies, etc.), and get to control your temperature
- Bike parking is plentiful, and some are protected, which is good in case you have an e-bike
- You're next to the 21st Ave parking
- Morgan circle is super accessible and makes rides to and from the house just a little easier
- The sunset vie...

Verified Student

Lived in a triple