Hopkins Reviews

Georgia Institute of Technology

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Typical FE, communal bathrooms with tiny rooms. Lived on floor 1 so we have a guest bathroom (1 stall). Laundry is on floor 0 with some vending machines which is convenient, and our floor had a common area with a stove/oven, microwave, communal fridge and television. Very convenient location for red and blue buses, anything up freshman hill, any greek housing or for gamedays - loved being so close to the stadium!

cons: Our bathroom overflowed SEVERAL times from just flushing toilet paper and maintenance took hours. Meanwhile, poop water spilled out and into people's rooms nearby. Also shower is broken in the guest bathroom. Worst complaint is that we had mold growing in our room for several months. Bought a dehumidifier and everything but ...

Lived in a double