Montclair State University Sophomore Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Montclair State University, according to students.

  • Number 2

    Blanton Hall

    based on 2 reviews

    "Five floors
    Laundry facilities
    Secure entrances monitored by Service Assistants
    Dining Facility within the building (Dunkin Donuts, Which Wich, Outtakes and Chili’s)
    Air conditioning
    Central mailboxes
    Two TV lounges on each floor
    Atrium containing multiple gaming options including billiards tables, ping pong tables, air hockey and foosball" - 3 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Blanton Hall during their sophomore year

    Browse 2 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 1

    Machuga Heights

    based on 2 reviews

    "Secure entrances monitored by Service Assistants
    Six or eight floors per building
    A multipurpose room
    Building management offices
    Residence Life staff offices
    Community kitchen
    Multiple game/recreation spaces
    TV lounge
    Closed study areas on each floor and in the main common area
    Open community lounges on each floor and in the main common area
    A central laundry area
    Central mailboxes
    Outdoor community space courtyards
    Close proximity to academic buildings, dining facilities and the Student Recreation Center" - 3 years ago

    2 student reviewers said they lived in Machuga Heights during their sophomore year

    Browse 2 Dorm Reviews

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 10 student reviews for Montclair State University dorms.