Montclair State University Freshman Dorms Ranked
Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Montclair State University, according to students.
Number 4
Stone Hall
based on 1 review
"Mesmerizing view from the rooms. The only downside is that it doesn’t have a common area to study. Other than that I definitely recommend it!" - 3 years ago
1 student reviewers said they lived in Stone Hall during their freshman year
Browse 1 Dorm ReviewNumber 3
Dinallo Heights
based on 1 review
"8 floors, 1 kitchen and laundry room at floor 1. Has AC. Rooms are fairly big (I had 2 rooms not one big room)." - 2 years ago
1 student reviewers said they lived in Dinallo Heights during their freshman year
Browse 1 Dorm ReviewNumber 2
Blanton Hall
based on 2 reviews
"Five floors
Laundry facilities
Secure entrances monitored by Service Assistants
Dining Facility within the building (Dunkin Donuts, Which Wich, Outtakes and Chili’s)
Air conditioning
Central mailboxes
Two TV lounges on each floor
Atrium containing multiple gaming options including billiards tables, ping pong tables, air hockey and foosball" - 3 years ago1 student reviewers said they lived in Blanton Hall during their freshman year
Browse 2 Dorm ReviewsNumber 1
Bohn Hall
based on 2 reviews
"16 floors
Free laundry facilities on each floor
Residence Life and Residence Hall Association within the building
Mediation Resource Center, Center for Writing Excellence and Academic Resource Center within the building
Hydration stations located on most floors
Secure entrances monitored by Service Assistants
Building management offices
Office of Residence Life staff offices
Community kitchen
Community lounge containing TV, gaming equipment and furniture
Open community lounges on most floors
Central mailboxes" - 3 years ago2 student reviewers said they lived in Bohn Hall during their freshman year
Browse 2 Dorm Reviews