Blanton Hall Reviews

Montclair State University

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 2 Student Reviews

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

3 years ago

I love Blanton due to the location it is within campus. The rooms are normal. I am 6'6 and I fit in the room just fine. Make sure to get an outward facing room. Blanton is always active the people there are fun and the RAs are reasonable with you. The only downside is how the building looks on the outside.

Lived in a double

3 years ago

Five floors
Laundry facilities
Secure entrances monitored by Service Assistants
Dining Facility within the building (Dunkin Donuts, Which Wich, Outtakes and Chili’s)
Air conditioning
Central mailboxes
Two TV lounges on each floor
Atrium containing multiple gaming options including billiards tables, ping pong tables, air hockey and foosball

Lived in a double