Horn Hall Reviews

Texas Tech University

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

1 year ago

If you want to know what is like to not have parking, heating (despite record lows), electricity, or bathrooms cleaned once a day, you will absolutely love living here. The bathrooms are consistently disgusting. So bad, I don't think I can describe it online. We came back from winter break to a lack of heat and then essentially blackouts throughout the dorm rooms on the first two days of school. Good luck if you had an early class! Because your alarms won't be functional and your phone won't be charged. You might pay an extra fee for being able to park on campus, but they don't care. If you dare to leave at any point during the week, good luck finding 'free' parking. Oh and my favorite, when the heat is working, they won't turn it on until ...

Lived in a double