Honors Hall Reviews

Texas Tech University

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

2 years ago

In terms of actual dorm room this place is perfect. Hardwood floors, ceiling fan, a thermostat, everything you could need. In addition, there is a private bathroom along with the communal bathrooms which is so nice. The only issue I found was the location of the dorm. Being in the corner of campus, most classes are a bit of a walk. Along with this, the only food place near Honors that isn't extremely expensive is Sam's Place Murray, which is the worst food establishment ever created. You will have to walk 5-10 minutes multiple time a day for the Market in Murdough unless you want to cough and arm and a leg for Starbucks and Chick-fil-a.

Verified Student

Lived in a double