Dunn Hall Reviews
Texas A&M University South Side
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
4 years ago
I didn't spend much time in Dunn Hall. It's not fancy, but it's a bed. You should know that as of Spring 2020 there are no closet doors, and the closet is this particular green color. Rooms aren't large, big enough for me and my roommate to have our own 5x7 rugs. Beds can be lofted, but don't have to be. I had one roommate, and two suite mates. We all shared a bathroom. Bathroom is a little dark, but totally usable. Bathroom locks from both sides.
Walls are a little thin, but as long as no one is yelling, it's fine. Huge courtyard in the middle is great for late night study breaks. Fun community, active on group me. Lived in Dunn 2 years, would have stayed if they had singles.