Krueger Hall Reviews
Texas A&M University South Side
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Compared to other dorms in the area (Southside, Commons), Kruger felt a bit nicer and more modern, since it was recently renovated right before I moved in.
Krueger has single-occupant and double-occupant options when choosing your housing situation. Like many people, I chose to have a roommate, so I slept in the same room as my roommate, who would very lovingly sleep through all of his alarms at 6 am every MWF.
Other than that, I shared a bathroom with two other people (my roommate, and my suitemate, who happened to be my RA). Most units will have 2 people to a room, and 4 people to a bathroom, with the bathroom connecting two rooms.
Wasn’t too bad of a dorm. Didn’t hate it. Hallway lights are always on 24/7, so the room is never reall...
Verified Student