Rutgers University-New Brunswick Freshman Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, according to students.

  • Number 5

    Quad 1

    based on 2 reviews

    "Rooms available are pretty small, mostly doubles and a few singles. The doubles are small for two people, and you will bump into things often. The common room for your hall is small, just a couple sofas, chairs, and a desk. There is a common hall for the whole Quad in the basement, which is big and has a T.V. and some events. There is a media room with a couple consoles, but I was kicked out first day and told the room is only for events. Perhaps there were some, idk I never went. The room itself (I was in a double), has two beds, two alcoves that are used as closets, a two dressers, two trash cans, two desks, two shitty butt-breaking chairs, and a small fridge and microwave. There is plenty of natural light through the big window at the end of the room, opposite to the door. The room has brick walls and a thick door, so you won't hear your floormates that much. You will lose your sleep. The mattress was mediocre, the windows didn't work well to block the grass cutters that came every morning for some reason, and the geese that will honk right outside your window. You will also have drunk people coming back from parties in the middle of the night, yelling as if no one is sleeping. The smell of weed lingers in the staircases. They keep the bathroom pretty clean, and make sure the fan is on inside otherwise ask your R.A. to submit a maintence request. Find the better shower, usually they have shitty water pressure and are cramped. The toilets sometimes have broken stall locks. You will share it with about 10 people, depending on the design of your floor. Also each floor is separated by gender. The Quads are pretty far from the main bus stop at the student center, but they added back a bus stop nearby. The dining hall is a walk, but had great food on this campus. The gym is also nearby, but always packed because it is so small. Classes are on the other end of campus unless they are in Tillet or LSB. Overall, shitty freshman dorming, but you get used to it, and probably wont spend much time in there besides sleeping. " - 2 years ago

    2 student reviewers said they lived in Quad 1 during their freshman year

    Browse 2 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 4

    Allen Hall

    based on 2 reviews

    "First floor hallway always stunk but luckily my roommate and I were tidy so our room was always spacious and clean. Room size is decent, bathrooms are shared with the whole floor (very dirty on weekends), and the location of the building is not far from the dining hall/bus stops (5 min walk) overall 7/10 - would recommend. Also the air conditioning is a major plus" - 4 years ago

    2 student reviewers said they lived in Allen Hall during their freshman year

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  • Number 3

    Quad III

    based on 5 reviews

    Quad III at Rutgers-New Brunswick

    "The quads aren't great. They don't have AC, they're not the most clean, the haet stays on way too late into the year, etc. That being said, it's a great freshman year dorm. The bathrooms are spacious enough and you get shower stalls rather than just a curtain (as is the case at other first-year halls). The res hall is located right next to a bus stop and the walk to the dining hall is far from strenuous. They also provide a great environment to cultivate relationships with your floormates. I would recommend Quad III to any first-year student (above that yeah it's pretty much a death sentence)." - 2 years ago

    4 student reviewers said they lived in Quad III during their freshman year

    Browse 5 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 2

    Lynton Towers

    based on 4 reviews

    "Lived in North Tower freshman on the 8th floor through the Honors Program. Location is fantastic- super close to the bus stop (you could see the student center bus stop from our window) and ~2 min walk to the library and the dining hall. Corner rooms are larger and the lounges had a seating area and mini kitchen. Bathrooms have 2 sinks and 2 stalls, and there were 2 bathrooms on the floor (one on each side). Laundry is in the basement and was never particularly busy when I went down. Elevators worked most of the time and came down at a decent speed. The primary drawback was the unbearable heat when we first moved in (dorms had pretty useless fans and no AC) and the extreme cold before they turned on the heating in the winter (we'd sleep with winter jackets on sometimes). Apart from the temperature situation, really enjoyed living in the Towers." - 2 years ago

    4 student reviewers said they lived in Lynton Towers during their freshman year

    Browse 4 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 1

    Honors College

    based on 5 reviews

    "The honors college is hands down the best freshman experience you can have. Obviously the simple things about have new and decent size rooms, but also having generally clean bathrooms unless someone being annoying. Where the HC experience becomes even better is the lounges. Personally, The 4 North Lounge is a giant space for literally everyone to hang out. Many of my late night memories were made in the lounge around the HC. Going down to play pool or ping pong. Even setting up in the classrooms in the South Wing Classrooms to watch Star Wars. The honors college gives an A1 experience that literally makes you feel like royalty. In addition, if you have classes in the Academic Buildings are literally one second away." - 3 years ago

    5 student reviewers said they lived in Honors College during their freshman year

    Browse 5 Dorm Reviews

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 35 student reviews for Rutgers University-New Brunswick dorms.