Emory University Freshman Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Emory University, according to students.

  • Number 5

    Raoul Hall

    based on 1 review

    "Raoul happens to be one of the best dorm on Emory's campus since it is the newest added hall on campus. Amenities are good and very modernized. The other two that I would compare it to would be with Long-Street Means, Thurman, and Hamilton. The only differing aspects between these four dorms are the communities. Raoul's rooms are not so spread apart to the point that you can't make friends every other day. However, LSM is very separated and community life is not the best. Thurman and Hamilton has a small community, but it manages to have one of the liveliest communities out there. Also, I forgot to mention that Alabama also has nice amenities. I definitely would not recommend living in Complex, Dobbs, and Harris. They are really bad dorms, and all of these residential halls are priced the same for all students, which in my humble opinion, is not fair at all." - 3 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Raoul Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 4

    Longstreet-Means Hall

    based on 1 review

    "I honestly feel very lucky to go to a school with such nice dorms. I've heard complaints about the rooms in dorms like Complex, but my dorm (LSM) was damn near perfect.

    I was in a suite, so I had a private bathroom. Hence, the responsibility of cleaning this bathroom fell onto me, my roommate, and my two suitemates. We never got around to cleaning it and, as you would expect, it was disgusting. But this wasn't a problem because the public bathrooms in the dorm were cleaned every single day by Emory staff. Never had any problem with the public bathroom. It was never overcrowded or dirty." - 4 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Longstreet-Means Hall during their freshman year

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  • Number 3

    Hamilton Holmes

    based on 1 review

    "It was very conveniently located at the freshman quad. It was a cute small community but a bit further from the class buildings. " - 2 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Hamilton Holmes during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 2

    Eagle Hall

    based on 1 review

    "The second best dorm at Emory for freshmen (behind Raoul by a small margin). Decent location on freshman quad. " - 10 months ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Eagle Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 1

    Dobbs Hall

    based on 2 reviews

    "Dobbs Hall is strictly a first year dorm right in the center of campus. While the rooms are very very small (smallest among all the freshman dorms), the community makes up for it. Giant parlor where you can relax/study and 2 study rooms in each floor + washer/dryer at the bottom floor. Bathrooms are nice but they are communal. They even have an area where you can play pool and watch TV(BYO HDMI cable)." - 1 year ago

    2 student reviewers said they lived in Dobbs Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 2 Dorm Reviews

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 7 student reviews for Emory University dorms.