Raoul Hall Reviews
Emory University
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
3 years ago
Raoul happens to be one of the best dorm on Emory's campus since it is the newest added hall on campus. Amenities are good and very modernized. The other two that I would compare it to would be with Long-Street Means, Thurman, and Hamilton. The only differing aspects between these four dorms are the communities. Raoul's rooms are not so spread apart to the point that you can't make friends every other day. However, LSM is very separated and community life is not the best. Thurman and Hamilton has a small community, but it manages to have one of the liveliest communities out there. Also, I forgot to mention that Alabama also has nice amenities. I definitely would not recommend living in Complex, Dobbs, and Harris. They are really bad dorms, ...