Drexel University Freshman Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Drexel University, according to students.

  • Number 5

    Kelly Hall

    based on 1 review

    "Imagine an old abandoned mental asylum, it's like that. There is only one elevator for the whole entire dorm, and kept on breaking down. Tldr: It ain't bad if you have the whole room to yourself." - 3 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Kelly Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 4

    Caneris Hall

    based on 1 review

    "Caneris was offered as a place to live my freshman year and it was probably the one of the better dorms on campus. Most of the rooms had 6 people in a suite with 2 people in a shared room but I was in a quad. We had a decent sized kitchen space (no stove) with a full sized fridge, but we did have a communal kitchen at the end of our hall.

    Location wise, it's on the other side of campus from the other freshman dorms but it's the closest to where most of our classes are held.

    The only issues I had with our dorm was the fact that one elevator was always broken and if you were at the end of the hall it was a trek to the other side to leave the building." - 4 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Caneris Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 3

    Bentley Hall

    based on 1 review

    Bentley Hall at Drexel

    "Really nice and updated building. Everything is remodeled and nice. The biggest downside is only one kitchen for the whole building and not incredible community space on each floor. The lobby is great though and I spent a ton of time studying there. (Rooms on the curve or slightly bigger but also trapezoid shaped which is a little weird)" - 1 year ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Bentley Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 2

    Millennium Hall

    based on 3 reviews

    "Always an elevator broken, you could hear everything through the walls, co-ed floors with shared bathrooms. Oh and did I forget to mention our building is slowly falling over?" - 4 years ago

    3 student reviewers said they lived in Millennium Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 3 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 1

    Race Hall

    based on 5 reviews

    "Race is a super great place to live if you want more personal space since you’ll have a personal common area (shared with suite mates) and a private bathroom. This has been a lifesaver for me because you don’t have to go all the way down the hall just to wash a dish or use the bathroom. Fair warning race is absolutely the party dorm, so on weekends trying to sign in a guest is going to take a while and it always super crowded. Also in my personal experience, unless you leave your door open, it’s pretty hard to get close with your floor mates. Everyone kinda just becomes friends with their four suite mates, so if you’re looking to interact with other people on your floor I would recommend living in bentley or millennium. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but my floor personally keeps to themselves a lot and I’ve had a really hard time interacting with people on my floor. " - 2 years ago

    5 student reviewers said they lived in Race Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 5 Dorm Reviews

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 15 student reviews for Drexel University dorms.