Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, according to students.

  • Number 9

    Baker House

    based on 1 review

    "The building is older and looks kinda dingy, but is well kept. The rooms are fine, nothing stands out as a real negative or positive. If you get lucky, you can get a room with a great view of the river. There's a lot of athletes that live in this form who all have their own team cultures, so Baker kind of lacks the cohesive culture that a lot of MIT dorms have." - 4 years ago

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  • Number 8

    Burton Conner House

    based on 2 reviews

    Burton Conner House at MIT

    "The rooms are pretty big for doubles, and the suite style living can’t be beat, having a kitchen, lounge, and bathroom all right outside your door. Bathrooms are cleaned by staff, but you have to clean the kitchen yourself which may cause problems with several busy college students sharing the space. The windows are also pretty drafty, I’ve had the wind literally put them open (they are horizontal not vertical opening). Location is pretty good, but not as close to campus as I may want. The community is great though. Undergoing renovations in 2020 supposedly (idk with Covid)" - 4 years ago

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  • Number 7

    McCormick Hall

    based on 2 reviews

    "One of the most supportive dorm communities on campus in my opinion! Amazing staff and head of house; really helped me feel like I was part of a community on campus. Facilities are somewhat lacking as it is an old dorm, but it still offers a lot of amenities and the community here more than makes up for it. The rooms are all relatively large except for singles in the East Tower." - 4 years ago

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  • Number 6

    East Campus

    based on 4 reviews

    "Great culture, not so great amenities. I loved my social life here and hadn't previously lived in super nice accommodations, so I did not mind or often even notice the downfalls of the building. If you want elevators, private bathrooms, air conditioning, getting maintenance issues fixed quickly, etc. this is not the place for you. If you don't mind those things, it is definitely a very fun and interesting place to live! The kitchens are a huge plus if you don't want/can't afford a meal plan. The poor condition of the building has also led to more relaxed policies about room modifications (painting, mounting stuff the the walls, etc), which is nice & is not the case in other MIT dorms." - 4 years ago

    We collected 4 dorm reviews for East Campus

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  • Number 5

    Next House

    based on 2 reviews

    "The Community is amazing
    Offering many different clubs
    Most Nexties stay in Next all 4 years (the dorm with the highest retention rate) because the community is really great.
    Of course, you can still be very involved on campus, but you can always know that you will be coming home to a great family and community
    The distance is good way to get some exercise into your daily routine (which you will need because Next Dining food is pretty good)" - 4 years ago

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  • Number 4

    New House

    based on 4 reviews

    "I am a recent alum who lived in New House (French House) before it was renovated (back in the day when most people had a single in my cultural house... I think the times have changed, though, sorry). I have also visited it after the renovation. Honestly the best thing about the house are the people and the food. The "meal plan" is an order of magnitude cheaper than the official MIT meal plan, and you get to cook together with teams of your friends and learn how to make different cultural dishes. That said, it's definitely not a "party" dorm, so don't expect tons of "cool" events. Lots of people do really varied activities like the outing club, theater troupes, dancing etc. Best years of my life happened here, being able to mingle with people simply over tea or fancy wine and cheese nights, talk about everything from philosophy to languages to poetry to planning random trips outside of the city for hiking and sightseeing... if you're this type of person, you will love it." - 4 years ago

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  • Number 3

    Simmons Hall

    based on 1 review

    "The facilities in this dorm are very nice and up-to-date including a gym and lounge spaces. It's a more modern dorm with pretty spacious rooms, and most people will get their own bathroom or have to share with one other room. Dining hall food is pretty good as well. The only down side is it's one of the farther dorms from campus." - 2 years ago

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  • Number 2

    Maseeh Hall

    based on 1 review

    "SO CLOSE TO CAMPUS! you are able to wake up 5 minutes before the hour and not be late to class. would highly recommend! rooms are large and have thermostats and everything is in really good condition (maseeh is super new and used to be a hotel). the hallways have AC so hot days are way more bearable than in other dorms.

    the one drawback is that if you like to cook, there's only one small kitchen in the basement." - 4 years ago

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  • Number 1

    New Vassar

    based on 1 review

    "Probably one of the best dining halls and has a new, clean vibe to it. I really liked the rooms and the building layout." - 2 years ago

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At RateMyDorm, we've collected 18 student reviews for Massachusetts Institute of Technology dorms.