Best Smith College dorms

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Smith College, according to students.

  • Number 3


    based on 3 reviews

    "Very nice old wooden floors throughout the house, has a very homey vibe. Rooms are decently sized and get reasonably good light. Having a downstairs dining hall is awesome, and Hubbard's dining hall serves lots of fresh pastries since it's the former house of Julia Child, so that is an awesome perk to have. Location on campus is also very convenient. It's right next to most of the STEM buildings and also reasonably close to the gym compared to some dorms.

    On the less fun side of things, the wood floors mean it can be SUPER creaky which is annoying if you and your roommate are on different sleep schedules. The living room/common space is also very small. There's no elevator so it is not too fun to lug your laundry up and down the narrow stairs every week if you are on the upper floors.

    The biggest downside is the social aspect. If you plan to just study all the time and want a quiet place, this is a good spot. But if you are interested in socializing semi-regularly (not necessarily partying, but just doing things with friends and having house activities throughout the week), I would not recommend it. The house has a very serious vibe that does not promote socializing much. Even as someone who cared a lot about grades, I ended up leaving to go to Lamont House (a more social house, but not quite as crazy as the quad) after first year because I wanted a more social and fun environment." - 1 year ago

    We collected 3 dorm reviews for Hubbard

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  • Number 2


    based on 1 review

    "Living in Lamont was awesome! It is a great mix of social and studious. Perfect for those who want to regularly hang out with friends and housemates but who aren't looking party multiple nights per weekend.

    The house is pretty large, with a huge living room and very spacious entryway/common area. If you are worried about lugging stuff up and down the stairs, there is a convenient elevator for that. The dining hall is huge and provides a great place to study in between meals. My favorite part is that there is a piece of the dining hall that has windows all around (probably 270 degrees or so of mostly-floor to ceiling windows) and the light it lets in is awesome! So cozy and nice, especially when it is snowing!

    If you have any food allergies, this is the dorm for you as the dining hall is allergy free. Though note that if you are someone who LOVES peanut butter (like I do), or any other food lots of folks are allergic to, you may find it frustrating because you aren't allowed to bring any of those foods into the common spaces of the house, and may end up with a roommate who is super allergic (and therefore you can't have it in your room either). Just something to be mindful of.

    The location is convenient to lots of different dining halls, so there are always diverse food options. Also about as close to town as you are going to get, so if you are interested in going off campus to explore it, could be a good choice! Not the most convenient for STEM classes or going to the gym though. The gym is probably a good 15-20 min walk.

    One potential downside is there are not a lot of singles, so you are probably going to get stuck living in a double through the end of your junior year. However, the doubles are a pretty good size, especially the corner rooms, which are huge, and usually the first ones claimed.

    Sorry I don't have any photos! All of mine are filled with my friends and you can't actually see the rooms... oops! I guess that is a good sign that the people of Lamont were absolutely lovely!! Only lived there for two years but would have lived there a third if it weren't for getting kicked out from Covid. Highly recommend!" - 1 year ago

    We collected 1 dorm reviews for Lamont

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  • Number 1


    based on 1 review

    "I love living in Wilder. There's house community, so take part in it! TBH my room here is bigger than my room at home. The con (as everyone knows), is that Wilder is the farthest from center campus/academic buildings. But, it feels like home and we have stir fry downstairs TH-S." - 2 years ago

    We collected 1 dorm reviews for Wilder

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At RateMyDorm, we've collected 5 student reviews for Smith College dorms.