Lamont Reviews
Smith College
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Junior Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Living in Lamont was awesome! It is a great mix of social and studious. Perfect for those who want to regularly hang out with friends and housemates but who aren't looking party multiple nights per weekend.
The house is pretty large, with a huge living room and very spacious entryway/common area. If you are worried about lugging stuff up and down the stairs, there is a convenient elevator for that. The dining hall is huge and provides a great place to study in between meals. My favorite part is that there is a piece of the dining hall that has windows all around (probably 270 degrees or so of mostly-floor to ceiling windows) and the light it lets in is awesome! So cozy and nice, especially when it is snowing!
If you have any food allerg...