Best Georgetown University dorms
Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Georgetown University, according to students.
Number 5
Copley Hall
based on 1 review
"Copley is a beautiful building in one of the best locations on campus. The basement and first four floors are suite-style with two doubles connected by a shared bathroom. The rooms are nice and clean. This is probably the nicest housing you can get as a group of sophomores going through the housing lottery. The only downside is that your RHO is all the way in Arrupe." - 4 years ago
We collected 1 dorm reviews for Copley Hall
Browse 1 Dorm ReviewNumber 4
based on 1 review
"Nevils is the nicest on-campus housing. Your Nevils apartment will not be as big as a townhouse, but it will nicer overall and have newer appliances. It has easy access to Wisey’s, Walsh, Tombs, and Car Barn, and there’s an RHO downstairs in LXR." - 4 years ago
We collected 1 dorm reviews for Nevils
Browse 1 Dorm ReviewNumber 3
Harbin Hall
based on 3 reviews
"Harbin is a great freshman hall. Great location, the layout is done in a way so as to encourage interaction and it has the best community out of all. You have a much better people:bathroom ratio, meaning it's often cleaner and less crowded than in other freshman dorms. There's no sink in the room, but there is a fridge and microwave. Pretty cozy overall. " - 1 year ago
We collected 3 dorm reviews for Harbin Hall
Browse 3 Dorm ReviewsNumber 2
Arrupe Hall
based on 1 review
"Arrupe is top noch. If you're looking for a clean place without a kitchen, with central location and great amenities, look no further. Units ending in 02 and 15 are a bit bigger than the others. 4 Person units (most common) come with 1 shower room, 1 bathroom, 1 sink and 2 rooms. Amenities include a fridge, freezer and microwave. There are also some 2 and 6 people units." - 1 year ago
We collected 1 dorm reviews for Arrupe Hall
Browse 1 Dorm ReviewNumber 1
Village C West
based on 3 reviews
"In my opinion, the best freshman dorm. All freshman dorms are gonna be meh, but VCW does a pretty serviceable job. Good location, right next to dining and snaxa. The private bathroom is clutch. The rooms are a little small but aren't too bad. Having an rho in the dorm makes getting packages really easy. Laundry is across the patio in VCE but hauling laundry to VCE isn't too bad." - 4 years ago
We collected 3 dorm reviews for Village C West
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