Best Cornell Dorms

These are the best dorms at Cornell University, according to students. View all dorm reviews on on the Cornell Dorm Reviews Page.

  • Rated 4.6 / 5 stars by 2 Cornell students

    "It’s modern from my perspective but the only real cons are the double room sizes on the East wing of Ganedago, the rooms tend to be smaller then other dorms. A con would be the bathroom light sensors turning off overtime in the second bathroom, and needing to walk all the way to the first bathroom to access the shower light. It can turn off sometimes while showering. "
    Read 2 Ganędagǫ: Hall reviews
  • Rated 4.6 / 5 stars by 6 Cornell students

    "Definitely one of the best dorms. Very close to campus, both gyms, and both dining halls. Air conditioning, big rooms, relatively low ratio of person to bathroom (each pod of 5-6 shares a bathroom with a toilet, shower, and 2 sinks). Only things it was lacking in terms of amenities as far as I was concerned were laundry machines (only a few on each side and typically 1-2 were out of order as well) and, more importantly, common space. The common rooms are really weird (study lounges on way opposite ends of the hallway away from convenient entrances, lounges are small and for some reason the first 2 floors are connected so the floors can hear each other) and when combined with the fact that we weren’t allowed to keep our doors open (which most people abided by) it became hard to interact with people on your floor without planning it. Relative to a dorm like Donlon or one of the Low Rises, which have very large and central common rooms and usually have people who keep their doors open, Mews is missing a real sense of community. But at the end of the day that community can be found elsewhere during freshman year; all in all Mews feels a lot more like a hotel than a dorm."
    Read 6 Mews Hall reviews
  • Rated 4.7 / 5 stars by 8 Cornell students

    "CKB is one of the nicest and newest freshman dorms, along with Mews. It has air conditioning, which most dorms don’t and is usually clean. My floor had 2 lounges, which helped everyone on the floor know each other. The kitchen is small and honestly not that nice, but it is there. The sky bridge is cool when it’s open."
    Read 8 Court-Kay-Bauer Hall reviews
  • Rated 4.8 / 5 stars by 1 Cornell student

    "Lived in a double in a five-person suite and loved it! Bathroom was inside the suite and cleaned twice a week. Common area of the suite was super cozy. Dining hall and laundry rooms were right downstairs so we walked there in slippers a lot. Only thing was that there was only one kitchen per floor so we didn’t get to cook as much as I wanted to."
    Read 1 William Keeton House review
  • Rated 5 / 5 stars by 1 Cornell student

    "New building, right next to Crossing's cafe and Dining hall. Small closet, and window doesn't open all the way [safety hazard]. "
    Read 1 Toni Morrison Hall review

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 182 student reviews from Cornell University.