California State University, Fullerton Sophomore Dorms Ranked
Ranking the best sophomore dorms at California State University, Fullerton, according to students.
Number 1
based on 2 reviews
"So just to start, all of the Freshman dorms at Fullerton are essentially the same. Each building has the same model and the only differences among dorms I can remember is carpet color.. FIG is cool, I believe there is only one themed floor in the building (honors students). It's basically right in the middle of the Freshman dorms on the walking strip. Each floor of every dorm has its own personality. Some floors are pretty hectic with lots of activity and others are more chill. Also, as I mentioned earlier, some floors in the buildings are themed for specific programs students are involved with. I think ELM has a floor for the TV/Film design students and they typically create a haunted maze for Halloween which is pretty cool. If you are an incoming Freshman, make a concentrated effort to get to know the people on campus and living in the dorms because it will seriously make all the difference in your first year experience. Just make sure you don't set off the fire alarm, because they will evacuate the entire building and everyone will be pissed. Good luck!" - 3 years ago
1 student reviewers said they lived in FIG during their sophomore year
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