Capstone Reviews
University of South Carolina - Columbia
When students lived here
Freshman Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 5 Student Reviews
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
socially, one of the best dorms. in some of the dorms, people don't even talk to each other. in capstone almost everyone knows each other. however, i lived on the 15th floor and the amount of times that i had to walk up 14 flights in the first semester was SO BAD, but we have all new elevators now so i'm praying. i roomed with the RM and she was chill, so my floor was chill.
1 year ago
Capstone definitely has a good community aspect as it is habitually a very social dorm. The building itself is on the older side and the elevators can be a pain since there are usually only two working at a time. The room itself is fairly spacious if you know how to organize it and the bathroom isn’t awful if you have good suitmates however you do need to put effort into cleaning it. The water pressure is not great and the don’t expect any very hot showers. It’s a great freshman dorm and I wouldn’t change my decision it just has the usual downfalls.
1 year ago
Capstone is by far one of the better dorms on campus. Great for HRSM majors due to proximity to Close Hipp. It also has a dining hall in it which is a huge plus. The bathrooms aren’t the best and are shared between 4 people. If you are going to live there, I’d recommend finding suite mates you like as well as a good roommate.
Verified Student
4 years ago
Capstone was built in the 70s and it shows. The dorm is styled with two rooms sharing a bathroom. The elevators don't always work.
4 years ago
Your level of freedom all depends on the RM you end up with on your floor. Otherwise, it’s one of the better dorms on campus. Semi-private bathrooms and pretty big dorm rooms.