Lyons Hall Reviews

University of Notre Dame

When students lived here



Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

1 year ago

Lyons Hall builds character honestly, in a good way I think. Plus it’s the only dorm featured in Rudy! The community is great and the rector is absolutely lovely (love you K-Lion 🫶). It is on the far side of south quad which makes the trek to classes a little longer, but it’s right by the beautiful St. Mary’s lake and it has a beautiful arch. The chapel is absolutely gorgeous and unlike no other. It’s also a short 2-min walk from the better dh, south dining hall. It’s right by the Rock (a gym), though the dorm does have its own little gym that was just renovated, and it has a beach volleyball court right nearby. The only complaints I have are that there’s no AC, no elevator, and it’s on the older side so the rooms are smaller and very cle...

Lived in a quad