Sackett Hall Reviews

Oregon State University

When students lived here



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Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

2 years ago

located near linus pauling and LINC, sackett hall is within a quick walking distance to most halls and buildings on campus. only downside is if you’re wanting to head over the mcnary or the library- the walk there is ~10 mins (coming from a fast walker). otherwise, sackett is located in a convenient location to my classes :)!
at first glance, the building exterior looks grand, but once on the inside it is quite old and warm. i like how the building is only 3 floors so there aren’t many stairs to climb. i currently live in a triples room on the second floor, and for some reason it’s always so humid! especially at night, my throat gets all itchy and i start burning up even though i’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt in less than 50 degree weather...

Verified Student
Lived in a triple
3 years ago

I lived in Sackett Hall freshman year and it was a great experience. Sackett is one of the two honors halls, so there were always honors college-hosted events, study groups, and socials going on in the lounges. It has sleeping porches in most of the rooms, which was really helpful since I could stay up doing homework or go to bed early no matter what my roommate was doing. One of the best parts was that I could walk from my room to a lecture hall in the LINC in under 2 minutes. There's no wrong choice between Sackett or West, but personally I'm really glad I chose Sackett.

Lived in a double
4 years ago

The room was bigger than most other dorm rooms at OSU (I worked in the residence halls and saw them all regularly). The layout was amazing--most OSU dorm rooms were just one long, skinny room shared by two people and their beds, dressers, desks, etc. But most of the Sackett rooms had a square (pretty open) main room for the desks, a shared walk in closet for the dressers and extra stuff, and a separate sleeping porch for a bunk bed. Not everyone likes bunk beds, but it means that you can have a completely different schedule from your roommate and just close the door without bothering them too much. Each wing had their own kitchen, so you're only sharing that kitchen with 8 or 10 other doubles. In many of the residence halls at OSU, there wa...

Lived in a double