East McNair Hall Reviews

Michigan Technological University

When students lived here

Sophomore Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Building: Decent size, easy to navigate. 6 floors but there's two elevators and multiple entrances. Longest walk to campus but compared to other colleges it's not bad.

Dining Hall: Food is better than wads, open later on weekdays but closed on Sat/Sun.

Laundry: 10 Washers and 8 Dryers for the whole building. Plan laundry wisely.

Bathrooms: Each floor has a few semi-private bathrooms. You share them with the whole floor but the door locks and each has a shower and toilet. There are also full communal bathrooms for each floor with showers. Cleaned every weekday.

Common areas: There are some common areas with kitchenettes on every floor but the first floor. The first floor has a full kitchen that is communal with the building.

First floo...

Lived in a double