International House Reviews
George Washington University
When students lived here
Sophomore Year
Overall rating breakdown
Browse 1 Student Review
Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.
1 year ago
Balcony room is very nice with a view towards the west. AC is functioning properly and having your own bathroom is always a plus. There is one lounge in the building located in the basement along with the laundry room. The lounge isn't that great but it does have a TV and a couple couches, too many mosquitos. The one real downside to the rooms are the paper thin windows and walls. You can hear pretty much everything including the sirens throughout the night. The location isn't too bad, everything on campus is a walking distance and you shouldn't have any problems with that. There are some homeless at night across the street and down the street but the location feels pretty safe overall.
Verified Student