Wheeler Hall Reviews

Central Michigan University

When students lived here

Freshman Year


Overall rating breakdown





Browse 1 Student Review

Reviews with a Verified Student badge were written with a school email.

4 years ago

Wheeler itself is nothing too fantastic, but the community was amazing! When I lived there, it was 3 to a room, or 4 for a lower rate. I lived with two roommates and it was more than enough space. I had a hard time with storage but I have wayyy more stuff than an average college student. You have twin sized bunkbeds, I recommend the top bunk if you're tall (you might hit your head on the bottom bunk). I recommend putting fans in both windows in the summer since there's no A/C. The towers is a great community, most RA's are pretty chill. I got involved with hall council and it was a ton of fun. The RFOC is the best dining hall on campus(in my opinion) and it's inside the building so you don't have to walk anywhere in the winter! There are al...

Lived in a triple