Yale Dorms Ranked
Discover the top-rated dorms at Yale, ranked by students on RateMyDorm. Check out the Yale Page for more details.
Rated 2.8 / 5 stars by 1 Yale student
"I was here for a summer program and the rooms at Silliman college have no AC. About a dozen people or so will share a bathroom with 2 toilets, 2 showers, 3 sinks. There is a nice basement and an underground buttery. They have a nice library, common room, and modern dining hall. "
Read 1 Silliman College reviewRated 4.3 / 5 stars by 1 Yale student
"Franklin is a relatively new residential college, so it's pretty nice both outside and inside. The dining hall is big and the food isn't bad either. The library is decent and pretty quiet. Suites are also nice. It's a bit far from a lot of buildings, though."
Read 1 Benjamin Franklin review