Brown University Freshman Dorms Ranked

Ranking the best sophomore dorms at Brown University, according to students.

  • Number 5

    Emery-Woolley Hall

    based on 1 review

    "The semi-private bathrooms are definitely the best thing about emwool. The rooms themselves are alright, but they don't look the best. Emery Hall and Wolley Hall are considered two different dorms, but they are attached so "emwool". There is a lounge on the ground floor, and smaller lounges on each floor. There is a elevator. There's a kitchen on each floor. An addition to that, there are two washers and dryers on each floor, which is really nice. " - 10 months ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Emery-Woolley Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 4


    based on 1 review

    "It's on the south side of campus, which is only inconvenient if you wanted to go to the gym (Nelson) or wanted one of the better meals in Andrews. Other than that, depending on the floor you live on, it can get loud, 5th floor being the worst. You are near the Ratty and a 5 minute walk to most of the places where you'll have class. There are no sinks in your room, but I've noticed that Arch-Bron doubles seem to be on the bigger side compared to other rooms. Obviously the bathrooms can get a bit dirty towards the end of the week, but that's everywhere. Generally, I'm happy I'm here, I've been able to meet many people and as a freshman, meeting new people and socializing is easier in Keeney, Arch-Bron specifically. Each floor has a smaller lounge, and the 5th floor lounge is actually nice. I had a walk-in closet too which was super convenient." - 2 years ago

    1 student reviewers said they lived in Archibald-Bronson during their freshman year

    Browse 1 Dorm Review
  • Number 3

    Jameson/Mead House

    based on 2 reviews

    "Keeney has a reputation for being the rattiest of the Freshman dorms, but I had no issues in Jameson Mead. There are multiple lounges, with a larger common space and kitchen on the top floor. It’s not too far from the main green and the Ratty and Thayer, though it is a trek to get to V-Dub and Andrews. There were parties but none so loud or crazy as to make me complain. The bathrooms are okay (mostly communal) but there are a few individual restrooms tucked away on every floor. The only thing you have to watch out for is people stealing exit signs, which WILL happen" - 4 years ago

    2 student reviewers said they lived in Jameson/Mead House during their freshman year

    Browse 2 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 2

    Everett/Poland House

    based on 3 reviews

    "Honestly, EverPol is pretty good. The rooms feel spacious, and the floors are well furnished. The only major complaint I had about my dorm was the communal bathrooms, but my floor in particular had a bunch of people share just one bathroom, while other floors had it more spaced out, and their bathrooms were much cleaner, so it really depends (you can use other floor bathrooms if your's is terrible). Keeney is also super close to two dining halls as well as most academic buildings where you'll have classes, so the location is great! " - 1 year ago

    3 student reviewers said they lived in Everett/Poland House during their freshman year

    Browse 3 Dorm Reviews
  • Number 1

    Champlin Hall

    based on 3 reviews

    "The semi-private bathroom setup was what i loved most about champlin! made lots of great friends while living here and though most people have mixed opinions, i personally loved the location (really close to thayer street) and the proximity to andrews/vdub." - 4 years ago

    3 student reviewers said they lived in Champlin Hall during their freshman year

    Browse 3 Dorm Reviews

At RateMyDorm, we've collected 22 student reviews for Brown University dorms.